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Favorite Knife Makin Books

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These are some of the books I have used and read over the years.I have them listed in my order of what I think is the best of them down through. All of them have really good information in them and have helped me out with my knife making.

If you are looking to get into knife making and don't have a boat load of cash to spend then this is the book you want to get.
1)$50 Knife Shop   ISBN  0-87341-993-6
By Wayne Goddard
2) The Wonder of Knifemaking 
ISBN  0-87341-798-4
By Wayne Goddard
3) Knife Talk  ISBN  0-87341-584-1
By Ed Fowler
4) Knife Talk II ISBN  0-87349-564-0
By Ed Fowler
5) The Pattern Welded Blade
ISBN  978-1-58160-544-0
By Jim Hrisoulas  (great book on Damascus)
6) Step by Step Knifemaking
ISBN 0-87857-181-7
By David Boye
7) Custom Knifemaking ISBN 0-8117-2175-2
By Tim McCreight
8)Blade's Guide to Making Knives
ISBN 0-89689-240-9
9) The Craft of the Japanese Sword
This is a great read.
I have many other books on my shelf but the ones above have all the info you need to make a real good start into the world of Knifemkaing.