If you are looking to get into knife making and don't have a boat load of cash to spend then this is the book you
want to get.
1)$50 Knife Shop ISBN 0-87341-993-6
By Wayne Goddard
2) The Wonder of Knifemaking
ISBN 0-87341-798-4
By Wayne Goddard
3) Knife Talk ISBN 0-87341-584-1
By Ed Fowler
4) Knife Talk II ISBN 0-87349-564-0
By Ed Fowler
5) The Pattern Welded Blade
ISBN 978-1-58160-544-0
By Jim Hrisoulas (great book on Damascus)
6) Step by Step Knifemaking
ISBN 0-87857-181-7
By David Boye
7) Custom Knifemaking ISBN 0-8117-2175-2
By Tim McCreight
8)Blade's Guide to Making Knives
ISBN 0-89689-240-9
9) The Craft of the Japanese Sword
This is a great read.
I have many other books on my shelf but the ones above have all the info you need to make a real good start
into the world of Knifemkaing.