Welcome to my web site.On the following pages you will find pictures of my work I have done over
the Years that I have been doing this.I started out making knives and learning how to forge my own blades from a
video I found online and bought.From there I have branched out into the world of blacksmithing when I discovered
The NewEngland Blacksmiths assoc via the internet and good friend I met online.This has become much more than a hobby
now as I get requests all the time to make things.I have been having alot of fun learning this craft and still have more yet
to learn.So enjoy my site and drop me a line to let me know what you think or to ask questions about something I have
done .All of my pieces are unique and no 2 are alike similar yes but not alike.I do not mass produce anything and I stand
behind the work I do. Thanks for stopping by and do come again to see whats new.I should also call this my dog page.Below
are pictures of my little girl.She is a great little bundle of energy.She also retieves better than many retrievers I know
and loves the water no matter what time of year it is.Good thing the brook is frozen most of the time in the winter :^) e-mail hotanvil@juno.com