Do you have antler hanging around collecting dust ?
Would you like a nice custom made knife ?
Then maybe we can work out a trade my knife for your antlers and I suppose I need to clarify this a little bit.When
I say antler I do not mean just one set of small antlers. I put alot of work into my knives and my starting price for one
is 150.00 so its more along the lines of a few sets of antlers unless they are an exceptional set. In which case maybe they
should be hangin on the wall and not traded to some guy that wants to chop them all up :-) .I am always on
the look out for antler for my knives and lateley have made trades for the antler I use for handles.So if you have some to
barter with drop me an e-mail and let me know what you have and maybe we can work a deal.It does not have to be just antler
either.I also use wood.Hard wood burls being the best.Or maybe you have something else in mind.Drop me an e-mail and lets